
Minister Articles

Musical Magic and Ministers - September 2021

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By Rev. Lindsay Babich

Personalizing an Ordination with Music

ADL Mentors are keenly aware that every Mentee who qualifies through their ADL studies to be Ordained and receive their own Charter and Chapel is unique. Anyone who knows our Alliance of Divine Love culture understands that we are not a “cookie-cutter” church.

Our primary tenet of “Love is All There Is” is an open ingredients list for recipes to bake, sauté, stir-fry and juice new ministries of infinitely diverse manifestation. A…

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My Internship - September 2021

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By Rev. Brian Kirsch

I’m not a real intern, but I play one on planet Earth.”

~ Robert Young - Dr. Welby M.D. 

I find myself having moments of living in the past. It’s a smug, know-it-all kinda thing. I think, and actually believe that since I have been on a spiritual path, that there are certain things that I already know. But I had an awareness the other day…I don’t know everything! I know, an adult moment! “This thing about me having to have a certain amount of time each month as an in…

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Seven Simple Guides - September 2021

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by Brian L Crissey


Life gets complicated, and yet the best guidance is often very simple.

The Good Man had some simple suggestions that would be good for us all to follow.

Judge not.

We can never know that we have a correct interpretation of everything that is pertinent to the issue at hand. So we cannot reliably judge. Clarifying information may arrive tomorrow, so don't judge others, or yourself.

Love others, including yourself, and seek the highest degree of Love in every sit…

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Goldilocks and a Bear - August 2021

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By Brian Kirsch


A twisted adventure of the highest degree of love

One day, a young woman (we’ll call her Goldilocks) ventured into the woods in search of a deeper meaning to life. While on her sojourn, she came upon a small cottage. She was intrigued as to why anyone would have a home in the middle of the woods. Upon turning the handle on the door, it opened. Looking in, Goldilocks noticed that there was no one home. So she let herself in.

Let’s hold the story here for a second…It seems …

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Bach Flower of the Month: Willow (July 2021)

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by Rev. Shellie Enteen

At a time when many are experiencing major changes in lifestyle that threaten to destroy structures and beliefs that once seemed secure, an attitude of despondency or despair may focus into a pattern of resentment. This is the time to reach for the Bach Flower, Willow.

Dr. Bach says Willow is “For those who have suffered adversity or misfortune and find these difficult to accept without complaint or resentment, as they judge life much by the success which it brings. They…

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Annie’s Corner - June 2021

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by Rev. Annie Nelson


I pray all is well as we “live forward” creating a better world today and for all of our tomorrows. I’d like to share some insights with you from some recent experience(s) I’ve had, and I do this in recognition of life’s synchronicity and the Divine Consciousness (awareness/unity with God) that I’m feeling so blessed to have experienced and need to share.

I recently made a decision to move to a new city, recognizing that I needed to be living in a more progressive…

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Message from the Masters: New Moon Celestial Gathering - June 2021

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Transcribed by Rev. Theresa Crabtree

Greetings Dear Ones,

We are always en-light-ened by the time we spend in communion with you. It is our highest hope and desire that you will take time from your busy day to commune with your “Higher Self” and personal Spirit Team more often, preferably on a daily basis.

This communion is essential for anyone who is diligent about pursuing enlightenment during their current incarnation. It is simple to do, but one’s busy-ness, disbelief and resistance makes…

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Angel Wings

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by Rev. Allen Reed, Jr.

"Man is the highest form of creation, even more so than the angels, for man aspires to freedom."    -Paramahansa Yogananda

For as long as I can remember I have always been connected to the angelic realms.

My very first encounter was at the age of three. It was late at night and I found myself awakened by the sound of music. A thousand water based instruments and another thousand voices of the highest pitch. Even at such a tender age, I instinctually knew the musi…

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Message from the Masters: New Moon Celestial Gathering

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Transcribed by Rev. Theresa Crabtree


We are well pleased for this opportunity to communicate with you. We know that you have many questions about the universe and how to connect with your Guides. Many of you have had glimpses of your Heavenly Helpers and snippets of information that have come through so clearly that you knew, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that it was truly an inspirational thought from a benevolent Being much wiser than you.

In order to increase these communication…

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Rev. JoAnna Phoenix on Wellness Hub

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By Rev. JoAnna Phoenix

Watch on YouTube:

Hi, my name is Rev. JoAnna Phoenix. I enjoy working with individuals of any religious or spiritual background. I respect all paths to wholeness!

As well as being a trans-denominational minister, I am also a Transformational Life Coach and Reiki Master/Teacher. I help people both remotely and in my Reiki studio.

I love teaching Reiki Energy Healing and other holistic life-enhancing skills at my Heart's Path S…

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