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ADL Mentors
Rev. Blanca Ibenia Aguilar
Chapel 1031 (Life is Simple Love)
United States (US), Florida (FL), Sunrise
Blanca Ibenia es la primera niña nacida en una familia numerosa, luego nacieron 14 hermanos más. Tratar con situaciones familiares fue su diario vivir, por eso cuando tuve oportunidad de estudiar sobre el comportamiento humano lo escogí como mi favorito. Conocerme realmente y conocer el ser humano ha sido la aventura de mi vida. En Honduras: En Honduras: leí cuanto libro llegara a mis manos para satisfacer mi sed de aprender, tomé Cursos Método Silva, Formando al Formador de American Management Association, 6 años en el Movimiento de Cursillos de Cristiandad en la Iglesia Católica sirviendo como Dirigente y plenamente activa en mi Reunión de Grupo llamado "Renacimiento", Seminarios de Relaciones Humanas y Públicas de Dale Carnegie todo esto mientras trabajaba en el sistema bancario, di a luz un bello varón y tres preciosas niñas además de estar presente en la comunidad del vecindario y en la Iglesia. Al salir del banco fui Facilitadora de Cursos de Relaciones Humanas para Secretarias y Mujeres.
En New Jersey: Retiros de Meditación y Sanación en busca de La Verdad en la Escuela del Arco Iris, Ceremonias con Plantas Sagradas, viajes a las Pirámides en Honduras, México y Perú. En Florida: Practicante y Maestra del método de Sanación Reiki, adquirir conocimiento sobre Reflexologia y Sanación con Aceites Esenciales, participación en Constelaciones Familiares, formación en Kriya Yoga, Primer Nivel de Instructora de Kundalini Yoga y Yoga Radiante para niños, Yoga de Risa y Abrazos, Temazcal, "Vision Quest" en el Camino Rojo, el camino de los Nativos americanos, todo ello tuvo mayor sentido, un significado nuevo en mi corazón, en mi vida, cuando tomé las 35 clases para ser Ordenada Reverenda del Ministerio "Alliance of Divine Love".
El Ministerio Alianza de Amor Divino (en Español me dió esa oportunidad y en cada clase me sorprendía (ajá! wow!) como después de 32 años de jornada espiritual yo conocía tan poco de mi, de mi niña interna. Y esa nueva experiencia de mi misma me maravillaba.
Después de la Ordenación el 16 de enero 2010 tomé ese primer año para convertirme en Ministra viajera con el único propósito de compartir ese amor descubierto dentro de mi corazón a través de sonrisas, abrazos y abrir puertas a otras personas a esa sensación de felicidad plena dentro de mi. Era una especie de Año Sabático con paradas por casa enmedio para compartir con mis cuatro hijos, nieta y la familia.
2011 al 2013 qué aventura y satisfacción fue traducir al Español los tres libros del Ministerio ADL para abrir esa puerta ancha de oportunidad para la comunidad hispana. Luego ser mentor de esas clases hasta Ordenar a otros Seres de Luz! Gracias a mi alma por decir SI.
Tomé el Bachillerato en Divinidad. He sido miembro de la junta Directiva del capítulo del Ministerio en el Estado de la Florida por seis años.
He viajado a España, Centro y Sur America promoviendo Sanación en los campos mental, emocional, espiritual y principalmente familiar a través de conferencias, talleres, sesiones de consejeria individuales y retiros de grupo, que incluyen oración, sonrisas y mucha risa, abrazos y muchas veces, lágrimas.
Como Notaria Pública he sido honrada al celebrar Ceremonias de Matrimonio, cada una única e irrepetible.
He sido voluntaria en el sistema escolar haciendo huertas con los niños y en mi comunidad como miembro de la Junta Directiva.
Durante mi tiempo libre me gusta leer, visitar parques públicos, ir a la playa, bailar, jugar con la maquina de coser, caminatas en la naturaleza, hacer fogatas y orar con las oraciones amarradas y compartir con la familia y las amistades; y últimamente incursionar de nuevo en el campo del amor de pareja.
Mi corazón sonrie lleno de gratitud, ha sido una linda jornada espiritual-humana.
Rev. Enzo Aliotta
Chapel 1768 (Healing for Life)
United States (US), New York (NY), Wading River
Enzo is a Naturopathic Spiritual Medicine Doctor with a Doctorate in Integrative Medicine. He is also an accomplished martial artist that has been ordained master in Chinese Martial Arts under SiFu Tak Wah Eng. Enzo's work includes spiritual counseling & teaching. He also facilitates optimal frequency support to individuals in self-healing on all levels.
Rev. Dr. Autymn Renée Allen (DDMS Mentor)
Chapel 1030 (The Chapel of Infinite Possibilities)
United States (US), Texas (TX), Garland
Although I was a seasoned educator and sales rep for educational publishers, my vow of service to God changed everything in 1996. My journey from ordination to today has been one of amazing transformations and experiences integrating spiritual wisdom into the physical dimensions of my life. And, with each ministerial class I offer, I grow into fuller contact with God in ways that continue to surprise.
My ministry focuses on the LIFE4 Coaching System I developed at LIFE4 Academy. LIFE4 stands for Life Integration For Enlightenment, Equanimity, Empowerment & Enjoyment, all the elements we pursue in life. My proprietary system facilitates spiritual, mental, emotional and physical transformations easily and quickly.
My new website Alliance of Divine Life is a place for exploration, study and sharing all aspects of life. I invite you to join me.
Rev. Michael Scott Allen
Chapel 1033
United States (US), Texas (TX), Garland
Born and raised in the Methodist church, I became an agnostic in high school but returned to Christianity via direct spiritual experiences in nature, meditation, healing sessions and studying different spiritual traditions and metaphysics.
As we are responsible for being the best we can be, we can optimize and integrate the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical aspects of our human existence to advance our soul growth and expand our consciousness.
I am a board-certified Radiologist with certifications in Integrative Functional Age-Management Medicine, I took a 3-year sabbatical from my medical practice to explore spiritual healing, travel to sacred sites in Peru, continental USA, Bali, England and Scotland and study different spiritual traditions. My definition of a healer is one who guides others to heal themselves.
Rev. Dr. Laurie Anderer
Chapel 495
United States (US), Florida (FL), Port Saint Lucie
Rev. Lindsay Babich
Chapel 1444
United States (US), Florida (FL), West Palm Beach
Lindsay is a heart-centered spiritual healer who facilitates energetic balance and optimal frequency to support individuals in self-healing on all levels. Lindsay is an interspiritual minister and ministerial mentor with ADL, ordained in 2004 by ADL co-founder, the late Rev. Dr. Barbara Hanshaw.
Lindsay earned a degree in Anthropology and Sociology from Hunter College in NYC then followed her passion for cultural immersion around the globe. In 2004 she responded to a clear spiritual call to use her hands to support healing. She is a certified Healing-Touch practitioner and instructor, Reiki master and aroma therapist using Young Living Essential Oils. Her ministry is Vibrational Health, an ADL Healing Ministry that uses touch, sound, light and crystals as vibrational tools for self-healing.
In Divine service, Rev. Lindsay has been deeply involved for 12 years both as an officer on the ADL Board of Directors and a volunteer with Healing-Touch Buddies, and on the Board of Directors and as an Ambassador with the newly founded Joseph P. Cory Foundation, dedicated to educating individuals and communities in health and wellness.
Rev. Dr. Bonnie Barnes-Kelley (DDMS Mentor)
Chapel 1489 (Earth Magicks)
United States (US), Florida (FL), Gainesville
My journey of self discovery began with protecting Mother Earth from harm when I lived in Miami. Fragile wetlands and our precious environment were being threatened and I felt the calling to enter the fray and lead the charge. My awakened awareness led me the Seraphim Center in Gainesville, and in 2004 I was ordained by the late Rev. Dr. Bob Estling, and received my ADL DDMS in 2012. My personal journey is ever expanding, still awed by the wonder and beauty of the Alliance of Divine Love. Join me for a journey thru time and space as together we will explore Divine Love and your role in the Divine Blueprint of Life, at once exciting, self-fulfilling, and deeply spiritual, as you discover your own pathway to mastership of who you really are. I am a dedicated ADL Mentor who believes in Love in the Highest Degree while learning to Love God and knowing WE ARE ONE. Your spiritual studies will illuminate your life and propel your soul’s journey forward in Joy and Gratitude. Namaste.
Rev. Dr. Wanda L. Beebe (DDMS Mentor)
Chapel 936
United States (US), Tennessee (TN), Chattanooga
Rev. Dr. Beebe received her ADL Ministerial degree in October 1999. She became qualified to mentor thereafter and held the first ADL ministerial class in the state of Alabama. She received her Doctorate of Divinity in Metaphysics and Spirituality in 2003.She has been mentoring ADL Doctoral candidates since 2005. In May 2014, she received her Bachelor of Divinity with The Metropolitan Theological Seminary.
Rev. Dr. Beebe studied and worked with the indigenous culture of the Q’ero Indians of Peru in 2001, and she based her ADL doctoral thesis on “The Andean Way of Religion and Spirituality.” She walked and completed the spiritual pilgrimage known as the “Camino de Santiago” in Spain in 2005 and has studied, and been certified, in many healing arts modalities since 1990.
Rev. Dr. Beebe’s prior work history includes experience as a Sr. Production Planner for a Fortune 500 company in New York and Human Resource Management in Huntsville, AL. Presently she is working as a Sales Consultant for a women’s designer dress shop in Chattanooga, TN, and feels this is one of the best ways to minister to people on all levels; putting the highest degree of love into action.
Rev. Sandra Bolognia
Chapel 117
United States (US), Florida (FL), West Palm Beach
Rev. Sandra Bolognia was ordained in 1985 by Rev. Dr. Barbara Hanshaw. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Individual and Family Studies, a Master's Degree in Educational and School Psychology, and a specialist degree in Math and Computer Science. She worked professionally as a social worker, guidance counselor and computer teacher of kindergarten through college and adults.
Rev. Sandra has been close to her spirit from childhood and continues to deprogram her life path as her spirit develops and evolves on Earth. Her studies in spirit beyond life experience include: astrology, Tarot, numerology, quantum physics, iridology, essential oils, heart math, sound healing, scalar energy, sacred geometry, alien implants, etheric implants, holographic inserts, hieros-gamos, earthing, holographic kinetics, out-of-body experiences, meditation, dreamtime travel, and the multi-dimensional universe.
Rev. Sandy feels that learning is at its peak when the student is seeking in the life-learning laboratory. She will ensure that your process toward ministry is woven into your personal life experience.
Rev. Kari Caldwell
Chapel 2131 (Rainbow Bridge Coalition)
United States (US), Florida (FL), Boca Raton
Rev. Dee Constant
Chapel 2027
United States (US), Florida (FL), Cocoa
Rev. Pamela Meyer Crissey
Chapel 1038 (Crystal Creek Center)
United States (US), North Carolina (NC), Mill Spring
When she attended an ADL conference in 2008, Pamela felt "at home" with the philosophy of ADL and its variety of magnificent ministers. Rev. Charlotte McGinnis ordained her in 2009. Pamela thrives on finding the connections between All That Is and the spiritual basis of our lives.
In 1962 she experienced an off-planet connection that couldn't readily be shared. In 1988, she met Rev. Brian, and they were clearly guided to begin a publishing company to produce books on the spiritual aspects of the extraterrestrial presence on Earth, along with books on indigenous cultures, which all spoke the same philosophy. Overall, they published 65 books.
Rev. Pamela attended Penn State, Portland State and North Greenville University, studying Psychology, and Health and Wellness, however it was at North Greenville that her passion for the connection between religion and science took on a new trajectory. She completed her degree in Divinity with Metropolitan Theological Seminary. She is a Chartered Herbalist and a Plant Spirit Medicine practitioner.
Since ADL's major transition in 2014, Pamela has worked as ADL's Administrative Director.
Rev. Juan Delgado
Chapel 2135
United States (US), New York (NY), Glendale
Rev. Dr. Shari Feinman-Prior
Chapel 1717
United States (US), Washington (WA), Langley
Each one of us is on an inner journey to find our true essence, to know who we are with confidence, to be keenly aware of our purpose and to share that unique gift with the world, to spread LOVE which is so desperately needed in our world today.
Over the years I have accumulated a full body of knowledge. My traditional schooling includes training and degrees in Communicative Disorders, Child Growth and Development, Special Education, and Counseling and Guidance. Spiritual studies guided me to complete certifications in Rapid Eye Technology, (MRET), Reiki (Master), Healing Touch (HTP), Quantum Touch, Biodynamic Touch, Hawaiian Healing, Hypnosis, Inner Counseling Process, Life Skills Couching and as a Chaplin with the ADL. In May 2023, I received training as a death midwife. I have also had the privilege to study under Cay Randall May in Medical Intuition and Remote Viewing, Robert Gilbert and Ibrahim Karim in BioGeometry, with Peggy Phoenix Dubro in Master Activation Classes, utilized to focus and direct energy with conscious coherence, work with Inner Space Interactive Sourcing from the Clairvision School of Meditation by Samuel Sagan, and Soul Song with Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha in Hawaii. Recently I have been guided to take a deep dive into Rudolf Steiner’s work to unravel the depths of the soul. I am currently completing the third year ADL doctorate program.
I have experienced a wide range of settings, working with people of all ages and stages of life. In addition to a private practice in Hawaii and Alabama, I have worked with children and their parents in home settings and classrooms, residents in assisted living, hospital settings: including neonatal intensive care units, oncology, surgical wards, psychiatric units. For my furry friends, I have used my intuitive and energetic skills with animals in animal shelters.
I have taught life skills classes, energy healing classes, mandala healing with Judith Cornell’s work, Reiki classes, and organized and ran a Reiki Free Clinic in Huntsville Alabama.
I enjoy yoga and can frequently be found walking through the woods or along the beach of the Pacific North West Sound with my chocolate Labrador Retriever Chaya.
Rev. K. Anthony Gogue
Chapel 2056 (Guiding Light Spiritual Center)
United States (US), Florida (FL), Saint Augustine
Hi, I'm Brother Tony. I spent the first 34 years of my life in the military (watching my father's career, and then entering the Army myself). Although, I'm grateful for the many countries, cultures, religions, and people I've met through the military experience, I chose to lay down weapons of destruction and harm. Instead, I utilize the greater powers of peace, love, harmony, unity, and self-empowerment - all for the Greatest Degree of Love and the highest good for all creation.
Originally raised as a Catholic, I’ve always felt this need to go beyond religion. I now serve as an interfaith minister, mixing practices of various faiths to obtain the ultimate experience that the Divine teaches me at any given moment. My primary influences are Paramahansa Yoganada, Anandamayi Ma (a.k.a. Jai Ma), and Peace Pilgrim. Additionally, I explore any other form of the Divine
shown to me in visions and dreams, so I may understand aspects I need to learn for myself and for others. Since reaching higher levels of enlightenment and consciousness, I truly see the Divine in EVERYTHING - through the oneness in ALL creation. I now use my experience in education, management, and leadership to help others to find and empower their true Selves, so they
may find Love and peace along their life path.
Rev. Dr. Margaret "Peg" Gordon (DDMS Mentor)
Chapel 537
United States (US), Maine (ME), Windham
Rev. Dr. Peg Gordon was ordained in 2000 by Rev. Dr. Barbara Hanshaw. Studying with Barbara strengthened Peg's belief that Love is our source and Source is Love. Peg received her D.D.M.S. from ADL in 2011. She has been involved in ADL since her ordination and has served three times as the Florida Board president. She has helped coordinate many ADL conferences.
One of Peg’s most heartfelt pleasures in life is sharing and living the ADL wisdom in all areas of her life, but she especially derives joy from being a mentor and sharing and receiving insights and knowledge. Peg has always been a teacher in some capacity. She worked in computer support, and as a teacher, for a Fortune 500 company, and she did similar work in hospitals. As a Reiki Master, she was able to share her knowledge with Hospice nurses in her off time, and today she continues to both teach and heal in a variety of healing modalities within her community.
She volunteers her time with the Children’s Library and is on the Board of Directors for the Newport Cultural Center and library. She is also a member of the GFWC Newport Women’s Club, Newport Maine.
Rev. Eva Gourley
Chapel 2053
United States (US), North Carolina (NC), Charlotte
Eva helps her clients heal physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually by first removing physical-body stresses like sensitivities, toxins, parasites, molds, viruses, and bacteria. She uses ESR therapy, a technique similar to NAET but which uses multiple vials and frequencies to remove toxins. For cost effectiveness, she minimizes supplements and integrates personalized advanced isotonic remedies. As an intuitive counselor, she finds the specific ages at which woundedness patterns originated in the client's inner child (ICR therapy). She works the nine-energy systems of Eden Energy Medicine, using tuning forks, light therapy or many other tools. For mental issues, she incorporates EFT tapping, and spiritually, as a minister, she guides her clients to find the Greatest Degree of Love in all situations.
She feels very fortunate to do her work. She is passionate about helping others heal on all levels. This work allows her to continue evolving as an individual and continually stay on the cutting edge, incorporating effective modalities to assist others on their healing journeys. She incorporates remote work with everything she does in the office, which allows her to support her clients wherever they are in the world.
Rev. Colleen A. Haney
Chapel 1314 (Communicating Energy)
United States (US), Florida (FL), Boca Raton
Rev. Colleen is honored to be a mentor in the ADL Ministry program. Since becoming a minister in 2002, she has assisted ADL through creating, presenting at, and facilitating, both State and National Conferences. She also served on the Florida Chapter Board for over 5 years and is currently a member of the Mentor Enrichment Council of ADL.
Rev. Colleen is a licensed and certified Speech Language Pathologist, and is also certified as a Healing Touch Practitioner, a Certified Nutripuncture Practitioner, Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner and an Energy Medicine Instructor. She enjoys officiating weddings and other ceremonies. Rev. Colleen offers a unique blending of science and intuitive healing arts.
Rev. Dr. Carolyn Sue Harris (DDMS Mentor)
Chapel 531
United States (US), Idaho (ID), Hayden Lake
Rev. Harris was born in Colorado and attended the University of Denver, where she met and married Harry, the love of her life.
Long a believer that a person should be treated and healed as “whole” beings, rather than separated into physical, mental, and spiritual aspects, she earned a Masters in massage therapy, finished her B.A. degree in Psychology at Ottawa University, and graduated from both the Unity School of Christianity and the Crystal Healing Academy. She is a certified hypnotherapist and holistic therapist who worked with 20–25 clients per week until 1993, when she found ADL.
Carolyn was ordained as an ADL minister in 1994. She rearranged her schedule to write her book, And The Word Was Perfection. She subsequently began mentoring in 1992, ordaining 95 ministers, and teaching others who just wanted to learn.
Upon Harry’s passing, she retired and moved to Northern Idaho, where she resumed teaching. She regularly attends other classes and seminars to learn about new healing modalities, the latest being the Reconnection‐Light Therapy. Currently, she is working on her second book and is hosting a monthly study group centered on ADL’s approach to life’s questions. She teaches in person and by telephone.
Rev. Therese Inzerillo
Chapel 929
United States (US), Missouri (MO), Kansas City
Rev. Therese Inzerillo was ordained as an ADL minister in 1997. She is also a Holistic Health practitioner and intuitive. Rev. Therese has extensively studied world religions and worked with a variety of Interfaith organizations promoting “bridges of understanding” between people of diverse faiths, recognizing that all major religions are based on the same spiritual principles and we are truly all ONE. Her advocacy for peace and non-violence was the inspiration for her many interfaith peace conferences which she organized and facilitated through the years. She has served as the President of the Arizona Peace Alliance and an Ambassador for Peace. She also hosted an international radio show for five years entitled, “Intuitive Living” where she interviewed top spiritual authors, holistic experts and advocates for peace, non-violence, and interfaith.
Rev. Therese is an uplifting inspirational speaker, teacher and healer. She loves supporting individuals in their spiritual journey by guiding them to listen to and follow their intuition and to discover and hone their own unique spiritual gifts. She is certified in a variety of holistic modalities, such as massage, Reiki, chakra balancing, reflexology, aromatherapy, Ayurveda, and many others and utilizes these skills to help individuals achieve balance, optimum health, and vitality. She offers classes, workshops, life coaching, spiritual counseling, healing sessions, intuitive readings, ceremonies, and retreats in sacred sites. As a mentor she utilizes her wisdom and dedicates herself to supporting her students to blossom into their full potential and strengthen their connection to the Divine.
Rev. Dr. Stephanie Josephs
Chapel 469
United States (US), Florida (FL), Orlando
Rev. Tiya Keyze
Chapel 1649
United States (US), Florida (FL), Ponte Vedra Beach
Her skills and certifications include the following: Rieki Master, Healing touch, Quantum energy activator, Gamma Breath specialist. Her education includes: 20 years of dedicated meditation, 300+ Hour Hatha Yoga, 95 hour Rainbows Kids Yoga , Chair Yoga, 55 hour Chakra Yoga. She has also been an ordained Minister for 15 years, serving the community through festivals, fundraising, classes and more. Her personal accomplishments include: dedicated to self-love and awareness, nurtured two homeschooled teenage boys, raised on sacred parenting, and produced The Children's Chakra Journey Meditations and Mantras in 2009.
Rev. Dr. Fawn Nogueira (DDMS Mentor)
Chapel 2088 (Fawn’s Chapel of Peace, Love & Light)
United States (US), Florida (FL), Loxahatchee
With my own profound discoveries with healing and learning, I have taken steps to be able to assist others on their journeys. Being able to assist others in finding and healing the limits within, to release them and consciously raise their vibration, so that they are ultimately free. Allowing their light to shine brilliantly.
I am honored to be an ADL Ministerial and DDMS Mentor. I am an Usui Holy Fire Reiki Shihan (Master/Teacher) receiving my Certification from The International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT). And am also Certified in Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis and work with Sound Healing. Spiritual Alchemy is so important. I look forward to our chapter together on this beautiful life journey. Love * Life * Light *
Rev. Morgan Patterson
Chapel 2127 (Breathe the Sacred into the Storm)
United States (US), Florida (FL), Tallahassee
Reverend Morgan Patterson is a Polarity Energy Healer and a practitioner of the ancient art of plant medicine. As you walk into her office, after leaving your shoes and cares outside the door, you will be met by the comforting smell of Sage and Frankincense. Utilizing her 50+ years of meditation practice, as a method to balance her own life as a 40 year, Registered Nurse in critical care medicine, she has created a unique method of healing. She blends the practices of Energy healing and plant medicine, which bridge the gap between science and spirituality. She also is a minister with the Alliance of Divine Love Ministry, which is always looking to choose the highest degree of love in thoughts, words and action.
Rev. Dr. Jo Ann "Elf" Pessagno (DDMS Mentor)
Chapel 91
United States (US), Maryland (MD), Rockville
Rev. Dr. Jo Ann ("Elf") Pessagno was ordained in 1984 and received her Doctorate of Divinity with ADL in 2003. She has served on ADL's Board of Trustees since 2014 and as President from 2016 to 2019. She was re-elected to a new term in 2019.
"Whenever I am asked about ADL, my standard answer is God is Love, and we spread Love wherever we go."
I've based this philosophy on Mother Teresa, who said, "Spread Love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier."
My mission as a mentor for ADL is to shine a light where there is a veil of darkness, and to spread love in all areas where needed through embracing ADL's concept of practicing the greatest degree of love.
Rev. Dr. Pessagno is currently employed as General Manager of Cathedral Park Condominium and serves as the Secretary for the District of Columbia Legislative Action Committee that is working to revise the D.C. Condominium Act of 1976.
Rev. Moraima (Mory) Real
Chapel 2114
United States ( US ), Florida ( FL ), Broward County.
Rev. Mory is the owner and founder of Healing Hands Loving Hearts.
She is a professional Holy Fire ll Usui Reiki Master Teacher and Holy Fire ll Karuna Reiki Master Teacher with the International Center for Reiki Training ( ICRT ) and teaches all levels of Reiki. Rev. Mory found her dharma and spiritual path through Reiki.
She is an Angel Card Reader and teaches and certifies students in this field. Rev. Mory has helped countless people through her spiritual counseling and Energy healing. She is helping them find the Highest Degree of Love in all situations.
Rev. Mory would love the opportunity to mentor you in the beautiful teachings of our ministry Alliance Of Divine Love.
Rev. Dr. Barbara Rothwell (DDMS Mentor)
Chapel 28
United States (US), Wisconsin (WI), Portage
I became an ADL minister in 1976, (Chapel 28), and received my DDMS in 2019. I have enjoyed the journey through the years, as ADL has grown and expanded, always pursuing the greatest degree of love through the sharing of our knowledge and perspectives.
Throughout the years with ADL, I pursued several professional careers while maintaining my affliction with those in need of spiritual healing and guidance. Upon retirement I have been able to devote the majority of my time grief/loss and spiritual counseling following the principals upon which ADL was founded.
In 2013, I opened the Creative Visual Workshop as a way to share the knowledge that is inside each of us. We all have ways in which to be creative and to reach out to others, sharing not only what we have learned along our personal journey and interaction with others, but as a way in which to learn more of what the light of the Divine Spirit has made available to all, and to let those vibrations resonate through each of us.
Becoming a mentor opens up yet another avenue to share the knowledge and principles that surrounds the teachings and acceptance of Divine Love.
Rev. Jane 'Weed' Roy
Chapel 1306
United States (US), Florida (FL), Gainesville
Rev. Elke Salgado
Chapel 2199
United States (US), Florida (FL), Orlando
Rev. Amy Leigh Smith
Chapel 2219
United States (US), Florida (FL)
Welcome beloveds,
I’m Amy and it is an honor to support others on this portion of their life’s journey. My call to pursue ministerial studies with ADL came at a time in my life when I decided to look into my heart and connect with the LOVE that was always inside wanting to be remembered. My religious trauma was healed as I worked through the curriculum and shared the insights with my mentor. The experience was life changing and I look forward to supporting others on this path.
My expertise lies in leading individuals from various backgrounds towards their true selves, employing a fusion of spiritual intuition, in-depth studies, and personal experiences that traverse both the realms of the past and the future. Devoted to a life purpose centered on assisting others in their paths of self-discovery, I am committed to facilitating meaningful journeys of authentic exploration.
Rev. Estelle Thibodeau
Chapel 2086 ~ The Seventh Root
United States (US), Florida (FL), St. Augustine
It is not without divinity that we are brought into an opportunity to do what we are called to do. The first part of the journey toward realization of what one must become is found in the challenges prior to the knowledge of that trivialization we are presented with, are just as important in the process as the end result. The Greater Good encompasses not only the embrace of a new friend, the encouragement of a stranger, the gathering of like minds, the passion of extraordinary and often out of this world beliefs of fellow humans supported and celebrated; But the Greater Good also must endure with the rebuttal of a new friend, the harsh words of a stranger, adversity of unlike minds, dispassion of the ordinary, opposition and disregard.
How did it feel to not be part of this Alliance? An oddity walking the earth in search of true family, the true work of the self? And how did it come to be that crossing the path of one person (a certain Reverend who loves Roses) could open the eyes and finally validate the beauty and assets within?
Being an Alliance of Divine Love Minister is a jolly freedom in my heart, an exclamation mark, a song to sing to the world! And, while some may often wonder about this love and happiness and greater good for all things we've got going on, with a sort of dismissive wave of the hand, there are others out there that are healers of this world, walking around. It is not without Divinity that I am here. It is for these reasons that I humbly and most gratefully choose to live and teach as a Mentor of the Alliance of Divine Love and continue to my best ability this wonderful and most important endeavor.
Rev. Dr. Karen Turek, D.D.M.S., Ph.D. (DDMS Mentor)
Chapel 1956
United States (US), Nevada (NV), Reno
My early studies of world religions and the humanities sparked a “wanting to know more vibration” that spurred my lifelong spiritual journey.
After many years of searching I found the Science of Mind philosophy and became a licensed Practitioner. I developed, and facilitated many workshops to provide tools for transformation as well as Taize services and monthly Vibrational Healing Services.
One blessed day I prayed with a lady who had recently lost her daughter. As it turned out she owned a hospice and asked me to join her Spiritual Care Team as a Chaplain!
My urge to deepen my spiritual roots continued and I was led to ADL drawn by the knowledge that LOVE is the sum of all Spiritual Laws. In 2012, I was ordained by Rev. Dr. Nancy Ash, I was conferred with my D.D.M.S in 2015 and earned my Ph.D. from New Earth Theological University in 2017.
Today, I am the Spiritual Care Coordinator and Director of Bereavement for a hospice in Reno. I am an “End of Life Educator.” perform memorial and funeral services as well as weddings, baptisms, blessings and patient specific religious and cultural rituals.
Rev. Carol Wittman
Chapel 1873 - The Rose Chapel
United States (US), Nevada (NV), Sparks
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