
Minister Articles

Breath of a Death Doula

ADL blog_Breath of a Death Doula_2020_04

By Analisa Domenica, ADL Admin 

Breath of a Death Doula

My nature as a death doula is to provide comfort for the dying: comfort of mind, emotion, spirit, body, and breath. These are grievous times AND profound pathways for my ilk. Bearing witness from a distance, we encounter the sea of people across the globe, dying without family, friends or doulas by their side; alone without their loved ones. We are naturally inclined and trained for holding pure space, cradling bodies, synchronizing peace…

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Poem: Love Is All There Is

ADL Blog-Love Is All There Is_Poem_2020_02

By Rev. Barbara Powers Mayer

Love is All There Is
By Rev Barbara Lee Powers Mayer
licensed, ordained of Alliance of Divine Love since 2001😄 😍💜🌹

Love is all that is important to us ❤️
So let go strife and let go fuss 🥺

Love is in, out and all around 😃😃😃
Love is really easy to be found 💕 for Valentine's Day 2020
or any day 💕

Love is here, there, and every where 💕
Look for the good and do or dare 💕
Look around and what do you see😅
Lots of love like the deep blue sea 🐬

Family, lovers and friends.💕

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