
Minister Articles

Remember Who You Are Child; Thou art Light

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by Rev. Allen Reed, Jr.

Dreams are powerful portals of perception and guidance and as a society it is our innate duty to ourselves, mankind and to GOD in our modern age to reclaim this lost ancient practice, for the subconscious speaks to us in dreams in its own language of symbols.  It only speaks one language and symbols is it, so we must learn its language to better understand ourselves.

There are many treasures that await us all in the dream world. Treasures that shamans knew the truth a…

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Bach Flower of the Month: GENTIAN (April 2021)

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by Rev. Shellie Enteen

Following emotional Pisces and dynamic Aries, the sign of Taurus brings us back to earth with sensory delight.

Taurus wants to touch, taste, and smell the world around it. It wants to build and, most of all, it wants to preserve: the status quo, resources, relationships, and values. If “me” was Aries’ word, “mine” is the word for Taurus.

Photo of a Gentian flower blooming in the sunshine

However, as stable and grounded as Taurus may sound, it can become insecurity and develop into a pattern of “holding on” that become…

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Essence of the Month: ROSE GERANIUM (April 2021)

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by Rev. Shellie Enteen

Spring has sprung! In the Northern climates, the aroma of renewal is carried on the breeze as trees display the yellow/green of new growth and flowers burst forth into pastel hues of pink, yellow, blue, and lavender. Throughout the Northern Hemisphere, the season brings an increase in energy and activity. Birds are nest-building and people begin to focus on socializing and romance. It is a time of optimism -- a new beginning -- a time to clear out the old and embrace the …

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Plague Poetry

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by Rev. Analisa Domenica


Even through the smoky haze of charred and pungent mind ash,
It is clear to see
And sometimes painful to watch
The writhing throes of agony he endures
In order to know.
He screams and cries and wails
Proclaiming he will quit soon
(“I’ll end this search! I’m done! I cannot get there!”)
Because this feverish exhaustion of seeking
May just be getting the better of him.

On some afternoons, still,
He knocks at the door
Of someone who appears to know.
This one who appe…

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Essence of the Month: ROSEMARY (March 2021)

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by Rev. Shellie Enteen

When Shakespeare’s Ophelia said, “There’s Rosemary, that’s for remembrance,” she was parroting a well-known fact in Elizabethan times.

For the Greeks and Romans, rosemary was a sacred plant, used for religious ceremonies and carried at both weddings and funerals. Traces of rosemary have been found in the tombs of Pharaohs and it was also planted on graves in Asia. In France, it was a fumigant for sick rooms and churches. The English covered pounded-dirt floors with these…

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Bach Flower of the Month: IMPATIENS (March 2021)

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by Rev. Shellie Enteen

One of the first remedies created by Dr. Bach, this flower’s name says it all. The negative Impatiens state is common and easily identified. Who cannot relate to the word “impatience” and the accompanying irritability and ill-temper of this state of being, even if this is only seen in the frustration of driving behind a slow car when you’re late for an appointment? But for some of us, impatience is more a “way of life,” or can become prominent under a certain circumstance…

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Annie's Corner - March 2021

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by Rev. Annie Nelson

Hello ADL Community! I hope this time finds you doing well, in good health and enjoying the change of the seasons with family and friends.

Often when I say the word “hello” I think about the song with that title (by Adele); and it always makes me smile and feel hopeful, for the lyrics are about reconnecting, which is an important aspect of life and much needed now where life still appears to be in some form of flux.

So I went on a quest to find people, places, and things …

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Essence of the Month: Rose (February 2021)

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by Rev. Shellie Enteen

February holds Valentine’s Day, our holiday of hearts. For this reason, it has become the Month of Love. But no matter when or where Love is invoked and honored, we may find the rose.

It is impossible to fully chronicle the history of man’s love affair with roses in a short article. Its beauty, aromatic qualities and effects have been cherished since historical records of time began. We know that it was one of the first essences to be extracted and chosen for personal fr…

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Bach Flower of the Month: Water Violet (February 2021)

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by Rev. Shellie Enteen

The Solar Rays are in the fixed air sign Aquarius as February begins. Dr. Bach chose Water Violet for the sign of Aquarius and describes it as: “For those who in health or illness like to be alone. Very quiet people, who move about without noise, speak little, and then gently. Very independent, capable, and self-reliant. Almost free of the opinions of others. They are aloof, leave people alone and go their own way. Often clever and talented. Their peace and calmness are a…

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Annie's Corner - February 2021

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Annie Nelson is a new ministerial student with ADL and a hypnotherapist in North Carolina. Every month she writes a column for her neighborhood paper and February's concept was on hope. We thought it might also be a good sentiment to share with the ADL community. Welcome, Annie and thank you.

Annie’s Corner (February 2021)

Hello Neighbor! I hope you are in good health, optimistic about the year ahead, and are enjoying our winter season.

The New Year always finds me doing some soul searching; …

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