Prayer Request
Alliance of Divine Love
The Alliance of Divine Love began long before you and I walked the earth; indeed, before the Earth and universe were even formed. All the joy, peace, and happiness that you have ever felt is Divine Love!
- Rev. Dr. Barbara Selwa, Founder
with Rev Dr. Bonnie Barnes-Kelley
WE ARE ALL ANGELS! Join us on Wednesday, December 18th, 7 PM ET for the renewal of ADL's ANGEL SQUAD, continuing the special healing gifted to us by our co-founder Rev Dr Barbara Selwa. Her guides revealed that we, ADL ministers, are Angels in deeds and beliefs, and we can fly with Angels above to heal and surround the Earth in Divine Love. We learned to leave our bodies and fly above, joining with all the Angels, to heal the sick and infuse Love and Compassion, all the while flapping our "ANGEL WINGS".
So, I am inviting you to join us on Zoom to come together and join the efforts to bring peace to this planet, our home. OM, fill my heart with Love and I will share this precious reality with the world. It is time to step into our Divine roles as ministers and manifest succor and Peace into the world. All are welcome.
Blessings along the Path, Rev. Dr. Bonnie Barnes-Kelley
You’re invited to
“Selwa’s Page” Midweek inspiration
Six-week series on select Wednesdays at 7PM EST
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 889 9663 0074
Passcode: 745619
All are welcome to join us in fellowship as we discuss Dr. Selwa’s teachings. As we honor our Founder, Rev. Dr. Barb Selwa, this six-week series will be dedicated to her and her messages in the book “Selwa’s Page”. The book “Selwa’s Page” is not required to participate. However, if you would like to order a copy, click the link below (limited quantities available through ADL Florida Chapter):
Please join us Wednesdays at 7pm eastern time via Zoom on the following dates:
Nov. 27, 4th week hosted by Rev. Estelle Thibodeau
Dec. 4, 5th week hosted by Rev. Elka Salgado
Dec. 11, 6th week hosted by Rev. Liliana Barr
Dec. 18th Special Angel Squad Gathering - Celebrating the 1 year anniversary of Rev. Dr. Barbara Selwa’s transition, hosted by Rev. Dr. Bonnie Barnes Kelly
What We Do
Support your spiritual growth with ADL!
Ministerial Training
- Answer the call for Divine Service -
- Led by certified ADL Ministerial Mentors
- In-person or virtual (phone, email, etc.)
- Nationally recognized ordination
- Doctorate program (DDMS) available*
Learn more about ADL Ministerial Training
*must first complete the ADL Ministerial program to be eligible
ADL is ideal for...
These are just some of the professional fields where ADL ministers are applying their training, working with the Greatest Degree of Love and uplifting souls.

Recent Blogs
Here are a few recent blog posts you may enjoy.
by Rev. Rita Scheibeck
I am fully aware of Infinite Source Energy in Mother Earth, in all situations and in all people. I lift my thoughts to envision the highest good for all of creation. I visualize dynamic health, prosperity, peace, joy and love for everyone, especially those experiencing challenges in their earthly lives. I affirm wholeness, goodness and restoration which is the spiritual Truth of all circumstances. When my thoughts drift to hardships experienced by those for whom I p…
by Rev. Rita Scheibeck
I welcome the healing of Divine Energy into my body and emotions.
I welcome Infinite Source into my finances and prosperity.
I welcome Divine Peace into my connection with Mother Earth and her many creations.
I welcome Divine Source into my imaginative and creative endeavors.
I welcome Divine Love into my relationships with family, friends, and all the world's inhabitants.
I welcome the Universe as I know it into all aspects of my life and my well being.
I wel…
ADL Newsletter | December 2024
ADL Ministry
The Alliance of Divine Love, Inc. (ADL) is a federally recognized, Non-Profit 501(c)(3) interfaith ministry that embraces and seeks to live the Truth of Divine Love in the Greatest Degree.
ADL ministers offer their own individual expertise and knowledge to those seeking deeper spiritual meaning and growth using a broad spectrum of skills, backgrounds and ideas for spiritual development.
In a society riddled with divisiveness and fear, ADL is a bright light, promoting inclusiveness and love.
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