Another New Angel: Rev. Umi Neuman
His friend,
Rev. Lindsay Babich
In-Person or Virtual Conference - What is Your Preference?
by Rev. Dr. Peg Gordon
Good Day and blessings to you all,
Some of us on the BOT would like to see an in-person Conference and others are concerned folks aren't ready to travel. I have had several ministers who are looking forward to the time we can get back together for our yearly conference. We would like to hear from you. What are your feelings, in-person or a zoom event?
Founder Musings: Message from Angel SD
Message from our founder, Rev. Dr. Selwa
Hi, beautiful souls, I am writing to you today from sunny, hot Florida. Sure it’s hot. And today I have a message for all you lovely ministers from my Angel, SD, the beautiful.
SD said,
“This time I will begin by writing and speaking from my planet. An age-old scripture of Love. Love is never kept, never bottled. It must always move or flow. Thus the GREAT ONE LOVE in the beginning created the universe through the movement of ITSELF. The need throug…
Forgiveness is Freedom
by Rev. Dr. Karen Turek, D.D.M.S., Ph.D.
Forgiveness does not mean condoning hurtful behavior, but it does involve the tricky act of letting go of the past. Resentment literally means to re-feel or feel again… and again. It saps our energy and allows us to be controlled by another whether they are alive or have made their transition into their next expression of life. Our unwillingness, or inability, to forgive someone that we feel has wronged us attaches us more to the pain of not having closu…
Is There a Heaven?
This is a sweet little story that I have shared many times, especially with children when asked about heaven. There have been many versions told with each storyteller making it their own. In my experience it inspires hope for the grieving heart and provides a good analogy for explaining transition and transformation after death to children.
The Dragonfly Story
by Rev. Dr. Karen Turek, D.D.M.S., Ph.D.
Down below the surface of a quiet pond lived a little colony of water nymphs known as n…
All is Good. All is Well.
by Rev. K. Anthony Gogue
Preparing for the Memorial Day Weekend gathering was quite an experience, after all, it was going to be one of the first public ADL events where people were able to reconnect in person since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. We, as humanity, have all experienced a long, nearly two-year journey in fear, illness, lack, pain, restlessness, social isolation, and other things directly tied to many spiritual lessons. We were essentially forced to go within to heal our …
When There Are No Words…
by Rev. Dr. Karen Turek, D.D.M.S., Ph.D.
As I reflect on the mass murders in Texas this week, a sense of numbness that turns into uncontrollable weeping, brings me to my knees. When I close my eyes, I see their sweet radiant faces and feel the fear that they must have felt in their last moments before they were released into God’s merciful care. And the families, the community, how will they manage to even begin to recover? There are no words that can even begin to mend this tragedy. Prayer a…
About Grieving
by Rev. Dr. Karen Turek, D.D.M.S., Ph.D.
How do I manage my grief in a healthy way?
There are no universal guidelines for navigating through grief, it is a very personal journey. With that being said, there are some basic truths that may resonate with you and support your journey as you navigate your path of healing.
Lean into the Pain
Feel what you need to feel! Allow time to heal from the inside out. Grieving takes work, it is unpredictable, and it is most likely unlike anything that you…
Constant Change
by Rev. Rita Scheibeck
Today we take a few moments to acknowledge the ways that our personal situations and those of our loved ones have changed over the past two years. Even as we read these words, our local, national, and world events continue to impact our individual and collective circumstances.
We can realize that changes are a constant in our earthly lives and in the universes, but we may not always feel prepared for the tasks of meeting challenges without fears or resentments.
In a q…
ADL Interview Series - Heartland Chapter
By Rev. Therese Inzerillo
This is the first in the series of interviews with various ADL Ministers. Revs. Greg and Mary McCoy are the President and Secretary, respectively, of The ADL Heartland Chapter, in Kansas City, Missouri. This is an opportunity to get to know them personally and know about the work they and others in The Heartland Chapter are doing. Enjoy!