Sticker Shock

by Rev. Rita Scheibeck
I don't know about you, but one of my current, frequent phrases has become, "Oh. My. God!" When I venture out on the roadways, it seems that every day the price of gas soars dramatically. I can't help but notice that $60 of basic groceries now costs me $80 just over the past few months. And shipping on just about everything has risen to unprecedented levels. What's a person or a family to do?
Our principles of abundance- yes, abundance- can help us with this. The prosperity lessons that I'm trying to put into practice for myself include several basic paths to more prosperous thinking and acting.
For example, when considering elevated prices, I try to remember that I am One with the unlimited, overflowing resources of Infinite Source Energy. We call it Infinite for good reasons, not the least of which is that the universes are a constantly creating source of goodness in all things. There is more than plenty of supply, creative ideas, and channels of all good for each and every one of us.
I also try not to give power to any sense of lack by talking about it. Bemoaning, resenting, worrying, complaining, and fearing the worst only give voice and strength to the sense of lack that I'm giving my attention to. I can improve my circumstances successfully by being truly grateful for what I have and by appreciating the prosperity, wholeness, and loving relationships I experience in my life every day.
I can stay in the flow of abundance by giving what I have. I might give some groceries to the elderly lady or the large family in my neighborhood who are facing much harder times than I am. With a few extra dollars I can help the weary man in the truck behind me at the gas pump. I can round up my store bills for a small donation to food banks. There are so many ways to help others that all I have to do is stay alert for the opportunities.
Most of all, I open my heart and my mind to receive the bounty of blessings that are always available to me. My meditations and affirmations help me stay in the productive thinking that unlocks all the abundance that is already mine.
We can't leave our prosperity piled up against the front door like neglected delivery packages. We need to open the door and welcome it into our lives, all the time, by focusing our attention on the good that is ours when we're ready to receive it.
Affirmation: I open my mind and heart to the universal and unlimited abundance that is always mine to receive.
I now allow, acknowledge, accept and affirm that this is so.
Dear Rev. Rita. Thank you for your wise words and affirmation! We are truly blessed!
Beautifully written! Thanks for sharing. Blessings and abundance to the world! Julie
Beautiful, Rev. Rita! Thank you for sharing this! Love, Rev. Lynda
What a great reminder Rita. The illusion of lack can sometimes overwhelm. Counting the stars and grains of sand on the beach remind me of the infinite wonder flowing to us all the time!
What a beautiful visual: counting stars and grains of sand! Thanks for your lovely compliment.
Thank you Rev. Rita.
I was very happy to meet you at our FL Conference. For me, giving thanks in all circumstances is not easy, yet there are hidden Blessings. There are proven benefits to developing an "attitude of gratitude". Rev. Rita, I feel your article was uplifting and I am grateful for you. Love, Rev. Linda ~
Oh my Reverend Rita! So well written. “Stay alert for opportunities, the abundance is already ours…” indeed our fear of lack can destroy that certain gift or act of kindness. When I see an act of kindness, I find this abundance does overflow in the human heart. I drew the card, “Altruism” yesterday so reading your words today is a reminder again. The card shows a bunny, and a serpent disguised as human on earth fretting because there is no food or water, and surely, he will die. The bunny tells him, “you can eat me.” The rabbit is gifted as altruistic and didn’t have to be eaten to show his kindness, but instead, was able to ease his worry. By example, you say, Rev.Rita, “there is always, enough” and in here, when we give a portion, it releases the fear of not having enough.
Much gratitude
I miss you!
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