
Founder Musings: Love’s Gentleness and Openness

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Message from our founder, Rev. Dr. Selwa


Hi, this is Barb Selwa, Co-Founder of ADL. With me is my guide, SD, a high Angel. He speaks through me.

Let’s emphasize Love’s gentleness and openness. When we change proceed with kindness and love, for example. And this should go with everyday life for you, kind and loving.

When a person is confronted with a negative approach, others in power must find out why this is happening? We must be kind at all time, no exceptions.

SD, “We are going to take…

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Who Wants to Say Grace?

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by Rev. Rita Scheibeck

Sitting around a table, ready to eat a meal with family and friends, I have heard this question hundreds of times. This used to make me feel a little uncomfortable (and sometimes still does) because of the huge differences between my family's staunchly traditional religious practices and my own vastly diverse spiritual beliefs.

While in some cases I may not offer to speak the words of grace aloud, I am always excited to participate in one of the most important prosperity…

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A Special Message from Rev. Dr. Karen Turek To All Ministers

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by Rev. Dr. Karen Turek, D.D.M.S., Ph.D.

Beloved Fellow Ministers,
As many of you know, especially if you are an active prayer warrior on the Angel Squad, I have been experiencing significant health matters that have required me to step down from the Board of Trustees. This was a very difficult decision, but one that was necessary for me to focus my complete attention on healing and wholeness.
I want to thank each of you for your loving support during my short, but very active, tenure…

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ADL Newsletter | August 2022

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Our new ADL newsletter, THE ROSE, blends the traditional printed newsletter feel with a modern, digital world user experience. In other words, when viewing this online, buttons and links are clickable to access more information.

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Sticker Shock

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by Rev. Rita Scheibeck

I don't know about you, but one of my current, frequent phrases has become, "Oh. My. God!" When I venture out on the roadways, it seems that every day the price of gas soars dramatically. I can't help but notice that $60 of basic groceries now costs me $80 just over the past few months. And shipping on just about everything has risen to unprecedented levels. What's a person or a family to do?

Our principles of abundance- yes, abundance- can help us with this. The prosp…

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Founder Musings: All Beings Are Made of Love

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Rev. Dr. Barbara Selwa

July 20, 2022


This is where we will start – All Beings Are Made of LOVE!

SD says TUK-BARB-human is my child and will always be, who has coaxed me many, many times because I have been in my current body for eons, and always will be. You see, as groups of intelligent beings opened door after door, extended life and the true activities of living come forth. They become super beings.

The deep knowledge of good begins and spreads into every u…

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Another New Angel: Rev. Umi Neuman

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Rev. Umi Neuman made his transition from the Earth plane last week to Divine Freedom and Renewed Health. He will be dearly missed by his mentees - now ministers, friends and family. His big, generous heart was a gift to all who were blessed to meet him.

His friend,

Rev. Lindsay Babich

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In-Person or Virtual Conference - What is Your Preference?

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by Rev. Dr. Peg Gordon


Good Day and blessings to you all,

Some of us on the BOT would like to see an in-person Conference and others are concerned folks aren't ready to travel. I have had several ministers who are looking forward to the time we can get back together for our yearly conference. We would like to hear from you. What are your feelings, in-person or a zoom event?

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ADL Newsletter | July 2022

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As we continue to improve how we do things, we have moved to a new newsletter format. THE ROSE blends the traditional printed newsletter feel with a modern, digital world user experience. In other words, when viewing this online, buttons and links are clickable to access more information.
Your feedback is how we improve, so let us know what you think about this new newsletter format.

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Founder Musings: Message from Angel SD

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Message from our founder, Rev. Dr. Selwa


Hi, beautiful souls, I am writing to you today from sunny, hot Florida. Sure it’s hot. And today I have a message for all you lovely ministers from my Angel, SD, the beautiful.

SD said,

“This time I will begin by writing and speaking from my planet. An age-old scripture of Love. Love is never kept, never bottled. It must always move or flow. Thus the GREAT ONE LOVE in the beginning created the universe through the movement of ITSELF. The need throug…

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