I Will Be Found
by Stacey Piedrahita
I am no longer the woman I used to be
I am saying goodbye to her as I am finally free
God intervened and kissed me from above
I now know what it feels like to live in a state of unconditional love
God’s mercy and blessings continue to come pouring down
I am not the same girl who left this one-stoplight town
I have neutralized the image of a girl living in pain
I became a new woman, and I no longer feel insane
It took living a life of a lonely poet, a wounded warrior, a girl…
2024 National Conference
The 2024 National Conference team members are excited to be creating a beautiful inspirational celebration of the Alliance of Divine Love.
The theme for our conference is “Activate the Divinity Within”. It was chosen to remind us that the Love of God is within us and we get to activate the ALL that is in our hearts. We have accessed the writings of Rev Dr Barbara Selwa in the DaySpring article to remind us ministers of the 5 aspects of our ministry:
- Spiritual Communications
- Healing Ener…
The Peace of My Soul
by Rev. Rita Scheibeck
I clear my mind of the noises around me, and I calm the anxiety that sometimes besets my thoughts.
I clear the worry that often attacks my emotions and I release the naked feelings of losing control.
I clear my heart of the fast and staccato rhythm produced by my fear and uncertainty.
I clear my voice of the harsh raspiness that comes from the difficulty of speaking my truth.
I clear my ears of outside influences that perpetuate sadness, despair or hopeles…
Coming Back
by Rev. Rita Scheibeck
I bring my mind back from the hurt of a life without joy.
I bring my mind back, back from the insecurities and uncertainties of financial darkness.
I bring my mind back, back from the frustration of a body that won't cooperate with a mind.
I bring my mind back, back from the feeling of loneliness that leaves my heart bereft of love.
I bring my mind back, back from the loss of loved ones passed or sim…
The Sacredness of All
by Rev. Rita Scheibeck
My joyful and exuberant spirit infuses my heart with liveliness, playfulness and childlike wonder.
I see and hear the magical creations of Mother Earth as she blossoms, buzzes and bursts with the fullness of life.
The devoted Creator floods me wi…
Affirmations for Release During Lent
by Rev. Rita Scheibeck
During the Lent of our childhoods, many of us were encouraged to give up something that we loved as a demonstration of self denial that would please God: chocolates, ice cream, red meats on Fridays. (The last example of releasing still makes wonderful excuses for "fish fries." Yum!)
In ou…
ADL Newsletter | January 2024
The “Junkman” and the Torso
by Rev. Estelle Thibodeau
Wise Words Wednesday with Rev. Deb - Week 52
There Is Only Love
by Rev. Rita Scheibeck
Divine Source Energy is the energy of Love. As I recognize that I am a human expression of Infinite Energy, I also realize that I Am Love. No matter any appearances to the contrary, Love Is. At times, I may experience very human thoughts of insecurity, frustration and anger. I see that these feelings may be echoed in the thoughts and actions of others around me. Especially during times like these, when fear, uncertainty and conflicting information seem to ta…