
Recommitment in 2024

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Wise Words Wednesday with Rev. Deb - Week 50

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We've added a new category to the ADL Blog - a VLOG section.

What is a vlog? 
A vlog is a blog in video form; short for a video blog or video log.

If so inspired, feel free to communicate your message of the divine via video and we'll post it for all to see and hear. 

Here is Rev. Debbie Holden with her weekly video series "Wise Words Wednesday with Rev. Deb"...

We're on Week 50 - Enjoy!

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Wise Words Wednesday with Rev. Deb - Week 49

ADL Blog Images - 2023-01-11T205014.853

We've added a new category to the ADL Blog - a VLOG section.

What is a vlog? 
A vlog is a blog in video form; short for a video blog or video log.

If so inspired, feel free to communicate your message of the divine via video and we'll post it for all to see and hear. 

Here is Rev. Debbie Holden with her weekly video series "Wise Words Wednesday with Rev. Deb"...

We're on Week 49 - Enjoy!

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Another New Angel: Barbara Selwa

New Angel - selwa

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The Christmas Gift

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ADL Newsletter | December 2023

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Our ADL newsletter, THE ROSE, blends the traditional printed newsletter feel with a modern, digital world user experience. In other words, when viewing this online, buttons and links are clickable to access more information.

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Wise Words Wednesday with Rev. Deb - Week 48

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We've added a new category to the ADL Blog - a VLOG section.

What is a vlog? 
A vlog is a blog in video form; short for a video blog or video log.

If so inspired, feel free to communicate your message of the divine via video and we'll post it for all to see and hear. 

Here is Rev. Debbie Holden with her weekly video series "Wise Words Wednesday with Rev. Deb"...

We're on Week 48 - Enjoy!

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Loving, Affirming and Releasing for World Peace

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Wise Words Wednesday with Rev. Deb - Week 47

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We've added a new category to the ADL Blog - a VLOG section.

What is a vlog? 
A vlog is a blog in video form; short for a video blog or video log.

If so inspired, feel free to communicate your message of the divine via video and we'll post it for all to see and hear. 

Here is Rev. Debbie Holden with her weekly video series "Wise Words Wednesday with Rev. Deb"...

We're on Week 47 - Enjoy!

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Wise Words Wednesday with Rev. Deb - Week 46

ADL Blog Images - 2023-01-11T205014.853

We've added a new category to the ADL Blog - a VLOG section.

What is a vlog? 
A vlog is a blog in video form; short for a video blog or video log.

If so inspired, feel free to communicate your message of the divine via video and we'll post it for all to see and hear. 

Here is Rev. Debbie Holden with her weekly video series "Wise Words Wednesday with Rev. Deb"...

We're on Week 46 - Enjoy!

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