
The Christmas Gift

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Connecting With Rev. Dr. Barb Hanshaw

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by Rev. Tony Gogue    

I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting our ADL founders in person. Sure, I’ve seen and heard some of the messages that Barb Selwa delivered over the years since my ordination, and each one was always full of profound insight. They are an encouraging reminder of why we choose to become ordained through ADL – being true to our Selves, and letting that Divine expression of Love shine through.

Since she ascended from this Earthly plane in 2011 (five years before I became an…

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I Am

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Teaching Spiritual Healers How to Mentor Humans and Getting Paid for Our Services

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by Rev. Vickie Spray 

When I opened my spiritual counseling practice over ten years ago, I was terrified. There were days that I could not even get out of bed. There were also days that I listened to spiritual books, watched spiritual TV, and just continued my dig of self-healing while I saw just enough clients to keep my office rent paid and as I barely worked enough hours at a part time job to pay my half of the mortgage.  I was fifty years old and here I was in completely new territory. T…

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Luxurious Feelings

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ADL Newsletter | December 2022

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Our ADL newsletter, THE ROSE, blends the traditional printed newsletter feel with a modern, digital world user experience. In other words, when viewing this online, buttons and links are clickable to access more information.

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Service To Others

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Sacred Connection

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Sacred Connection

by Rev. Rita Scheibeck

It doesn't matter what's going on around me; what matters instead is what's going on inside. As I consciously make a connection with the Holy Spirit, I breathe in deeply and exhale fully, allowing my mind to slow down. As I do this, I bask in the peace of divine order, in the power of Infinite Wisdom, and in the radiance of perfect Love. I remind myself that I can call on my Source at any time of day or night and in the midst of any challenge or emotion…

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by Rev. Rita Scheibeck

I absolutely love the word "zeal." It may be one of the most powerful words in the creative process. Charles Fillmore, one of the co- founders of the Unity Movement, states in his book "The Twelve Powers of Man" that zeal is one of those powers. For me, it describes a feeling of enthusiastic energy and joy in whatever action I am practicing at the time. When I visualize my life as I want it to unfold, zeal propels me forward to my greatest and highest desires, inspiring m…

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