Dying To Be Free

by Rev. Stacey Piedrahita
All I ever wanted was just to be me, to be loved for who I am, not for who I used to be
How are you supposed to know who you are when the past won't set you free?
I'm afraid to look in the mirror
What if all I see is shame, depression, and sorrow
Stop saying that Stace. You are no longer a prisoner of your own war
You are safe
You are loved
You are divinely adored
Be courageous
Be brave
There is no more to fear
That's what I kept hearing
Why can't I believe the roar?
I didn't believe in God. There was too much suffering
How could I
I was just a child and depended on no one
When would the day be here that I would know without a shadow of a doubt that God is real?
That day is today, I'm moving forward from here
It's time to be loved for who I am and no longer care
What God has done in my life is a miracle, I swear
The opinions of others no longer hold me back
I no longer come from a place of lack
I'm not my abuse, my addictions, my shame
Call me a bitch
Call me insane
All your labeling no longer takes away all the power I have reclaimed
Don't even try
You are wasting your time
I live only in the love and light after smashing my old paradigm
My past no longer defines me, it's my time to shine
I can't help but feel such deep gratitude for the Divine and this second chance I have been given
I can now give back to those who are hurting
You learn a lot coming back from almost dying
I was a victim all of my life
My heart couldn't see, you're not worthy,
you're a nobody, you don't matter, is what my head kept telling me
And then one day it happened
I couldn't believe my eyes
Was this an illusion, a magic trick
How can this be
I looked in the mirror, who did I see
One of God's angels...I am finally free
Now I get to tell my story about the God who rescued me
Very powerful and empowering poem. Thank you ❤️🙏❤️
What a beautiful autobiographical poem. I hope that you know how powerful your words are for many people living through personal challenges in their lives. You've touched my heart, and I'm sure many others.
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