
Minister Articles

Confronting the Icebergs - Part I

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The Answers to Prayers

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Self Care

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Dissolving Boulders IV: The Importance of Back Up

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Running Away from Religion

Blog Article

By Rev. Lindsay Babich

The chart showing the results of the Pew Study has a couple of places where ADL might be placed. "Metaphysical Family" under "Other Christian" is one and the "Other Faiths" group that includes sub-categories, many of which match the wide variety of ADL ministers.

I am always interested in this social movement, the ebbing and flowing of religious practice. Now, perhaps more than ever, I am concerned that certain religions believe they should have legal sway over the b…

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Dissolving Boulders III: The Power of Intuitive Guidance

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Dissolving Boulders II: The Sound of Silence

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Let's Add Life to life

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by Rev. Blanca Ibenia Aguilar

Let's bring back Life to life once more

Fear and doubt were and continue to be imbued in everything and everyone.
The news report about misfortunes instead of the miracles that happen every moment.
At home we talk more about what is missing, about the one who left, instead of thanking and pondering everything we have and the people who are still here.

Schools have set aside gymnastics, art, and calligraphy, moral and civic classes that lead to concentration a…

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Dissolving Boulders I: The Spoken Word

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Darse Permiso



by Rev. Blanca Ibenia Aguilar

Hay momentos en la vida en los que debemos enfrentar una situación dolorosa, ya sea que nos sorprenda o que descubramos que nosotras mismas las hemos co-creado (casi siempre hay otra persona involucrada) con nuestros pensamientos, sentimientos y acciones.

Qué terapéutico es darnos permiso para sentirnos enojadas, dolidas y hasta tristes por una horas o por unos cuantos días, meses tal vez si tanto duele; eso nos hace bien, pero para salir de esos es…

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