Recommitment in 2024

by Rev. Rita Scheibeck
As I look ahead to 2024, I consider all the new and exciting circumstances I want to see in my "now." I visualize a healthier, more vibrant physical body, more rewarding and mutually respectful interpersonal relationships, the great feelings of abundance showered upon me by an unlimited universe, and most importantly, a stronger understanding of my own Divinity and the increased sense of connection that comes with knowing my Oneness with All- That- Is.
Dear Ones, may each of us be blessed with all these things and more, as we enter into a new year that we will fill with renewed commitments to honor ourselves, each other, and our Mother Earth.
Affirmation: I recommit my life and my energy to The Greatest Degree of Love for myself and all others.
I now allow, acknowledge, accept and affirm that this is so.
As a regular contributor to "The Rose", Rev. Rita's column "Sacred Thoughts" will feature her blog posts. She is a psychic psychometrist available for readings in person or by phone.
Feel free to contact her for details by email at or by phone or text at 352-284-8609
Dear Rita, I hold your affirmation in my heart for your Highest Good. Your de-LIGHT-full contributions to my "Love Life" continue to fill me with joy and peace. And, I proclaim:
I recommit my life and my energy to The Greatest Degree of Love for myself and all others.
I now allow, acknowledge, accept and affirm that this is so.
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