When There Are No Words…

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by Rev. Dr. Karen Turek, D.D.M.S., Ph.D.

As I reflect on the mass murders in Texas this week, a sense of numbness that turns into uncontrollable weeping, brings me to my knees. When I close my eyes, I see their sweet radiant faces and feel the fear that they must have felt in their last moments before they were released into God’s merciful care. And the families, the community, how will they manage to even begin to recover? There are no words that can even begin to mend this tragedy. Prayer and the outpouring of Divine Love will most certainly be a stepping off point, but for many this wound will never heal.

Being a grief counselor, I am asked, “Why is this happening?” almost daily, and the truth is that I don’t know. But what I do know is that I was shocked when someone that I thought highly of injected the political card to point the finger of blame. I was enraged and it deepened my grief as I am aware that this type of blame invokes more separation at a time when we need oneness. Remember…blue and red melded together produces purple. Purple is the holiest of holy colors with a vibration that ignites the Violet Consuming Flame of St. Germane. The flame of healing produced by Divine Love.

At this time in human evolution, we are broken, and our children are suffering. We are all suffering. The real question in my mind is, “When will we learn to love without judgment?” The trauma of these incognizable acts may in some twisted way shake humanity hard enough to realize that we are all one and we are all responsible, because we have not loved enough. We have judged instead of loving others and ourselves.

Today…I pledge, and hopefully you will join me, to look into the eyes of our brothers and sisters with love, deep unconditional love. Look beyond our humanness and recognize the perfection of each soul. Draw out that perfection, Love, and let them feel our caring and kindness instead of fear. I believe that by sharing our powerful love that we can shift humanity as others recognize our reflection as their own. Recognize that they are more love than fear and that they too are powerful beings of Light. So…look into the eyes of strangers, smile, say a kind word, open your heart to shower this world in love. Hold your family and loved ones close and tell them that they matter and bring joy to this world. Engage in Love and Love will bring healing to this world.

I encourage everyone to engage in the weekly Angel Squad gatherings to reinforce our Divine Love into the world with our founder, Dr. Selwa. More information about the Angel Squad is available on the Events Calendar on the ADL website.

Blessings and Peace.
Rev. Dr. Karen Turek, DDMS, PhD


Annie Nelson

Thank you Rev. Dr. Turek for sharing your insights and reminding us of the Divine Love that resides in each of us - - and how we can choose to see it: from within - out💞

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Rev. Dr. Dallas Teague

Beautifully expressed.  

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Rita Scheibeck

Thank you for giving me something to do in a situation where I feel completely impotent. Bless you. 

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Susan Z Rich

Karen,  such a beautiful article.  Showing how healers and light workers can help bear the pain of all those left behind in the violent senseless murders of all that is beautiful.  Regardless of age, tribal birth or God beliefs, the grief never leaves but can be shielded, even if just for a moment, with the light of love and unconditional acceptance and non-judgement.  I have often 'joked' that when the shit hit the fan, if the religious, spiritual and light workers thought that Moses trick of bloods lamb over the door and light in your heart would spare us the grief, it didn't and won't.  That act of protection against an evil that seems to be permeating everyone's society only works with the love and forgiveness within sent forward.  You expressed everyone's shock and grief with such eloquence.  I am honored to stand next to you in the ADL ministry.


Susan Z Rich

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Charlotte McGinnis

Karen, thank you so much for your insightful perspective which comes from your heart and touches each of us.  So many deep and powerful thoughts to ponder.  So grateful that you shared this much needed information!  Namaste!

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Lynda Allen

Rev. Karen, 
Thank you for sharing your wisdom and heart with us. I, too, am grateful to be a part of this ministry with you...Thank you for reminding me that I am part of a tribe of shining love lights...all of us being the change we wish to see in our world. Blessings!

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Linda De Felice

Dear Rev. Dr. Karen,

Thank you for sharing from your heart.

It is true, 'there are no words'. I pray for all the families. I pray for the victims' families and the criminal's family. I have no words beyond that.  

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