Our New ADL Staff Member

ADL Blog-New ADL Staff Member_Diane Baker-2021_01

Help us welcome Rev. Diane Baker!

Rev. Diane Baker

Diane originally hails from Texas and moved to NC a few years ago. Diane recently became a Certified Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner. Last November she spoke at the ADL Virtual Conference and led us through a wonderful hypnosis session on “I am Enough.”

Rev. Diane was ordained as an ADL minister on May 12, 2019 by Rev. Charlotte McGinnis. She also became an ADL mentor on February 21, 2020.

Diane spent many years doing administrative work and we welcome her skills and new ideas into ADL. Initially she’ll begin working one day a week while she trains with Pamalisa.

Welcome, Diane!


Margaret(Peg) Gordon

So Happy for Diane and for the Alliance of Divine Love. She is a wonderful addition to our administrative team. 

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a a

I'm happy to hear that Pamalisa are getting more help! Congrats, Diane... expect plenty of laughter!

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Jewel Alexander

Welcome and much gratitude, Diane! We are blessed with your beautiful spirit of helpfulness. Namaste'.

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Stacey M Bourgeois

Welcome Diane!  Looking forward to working with you!

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Carole Poletick

Hello Rev. Diane❣
I am hopeful to travel to NC the moment the all clear sounds; and I am sure I will visit everyone in the vicinity.  I havn’t left FL for almost a year now; an my home is tired of haveing me around too(-:
I have been presenting the Happy Hour every Friday @4PM; perhaps you can come on and say hi one of these Fridays; would love to WELCOME you in person.  
Blessings of happiness and joy with your new position,
Rev Carole Poletick
aka ~ CosmicCarole
FL Chapter ADL BOT

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Rev. Dr. Wanda L Beebe

Welcome Diane! It's so wonderful to have you on board with all of us.  I look forward to speaking with you sometime.

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Rev. Dr. Dallas Teague

Welcome to the Heart Team Diane. 

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