Wise Words Wednesday with Rev. Deb - Week 17

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We've added a new category to the ADL Blog - a VLOG section.

What is a vlog? 
A vlog is a blog in video form; short for a video blog or video log.

If so inspired, feel free to communicate your message of the divine via video and we'll post it for all to see and hear. 

Here is Rev. Debbie Holden with her weekly video series "Wise Words Wednesday with Rev. Deb"...

We're on Week 17 - Enjoy!


Lynda Allen

Rev. Deb,

You are SOOO good at these Vlogs! I love how in minutes you are able to share so many gems of wisdom. It unleashes in me so many loving thought about myself and others. This is truly your gift! 
Thank you so much. Rev. Lynda

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Debbie Holden

Rev. Lynda,

Wow, wow wow! Thank you for your lovely words of kindness and support! I'm glad you are moved by my words and thoughts. I appreciate you!

Rev. Deb

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