Annie's Corner - February 2021

ADL Blog-Annies Corner-2021_02

Annie Nelson is a new ministerial student with ADL and a hypnotherapist in North Carolina. Every month she writes a column for her neighborhood paper and February's concept was on hope. We thought it might also be a good sentiment to share with the ADL community. Welcome, Annie and thank you.

Annie’s Corner (February 2021)

Hello Neighbor! I hope you are in good health, optimistic about the year ahead, and are enjoying our winter season.

The New Year always finds me doing some soul searching; thinking about how best to recover after experiencing the challenges of the past year (especially 2020). Asking myself “Am I still hovering over past wounds, or can I find a new flight path to pilot me successfully through this new year?” A path created from the wisdom and understanding gained from the release of uncertainty, disappointments and distractions. In contemplation, I realized that every detour that I’ve taken was a growth opportunity that ensured I was ready to handle what I had set into motion. As a life coach, I know “what I think I create, what I feel I attract, and what I imagine, I become.” So with all that in mind I started to feel brighter about the New Year and made the decision to make “HOPE” my watchword for 2021.

So, as we begin our personal journey into a new year, I challenge you to establish your own watchword for 2021. A word or mantra that helps create a pathway to more happiness and joy in your life and the world at large. Maybe reflect on how uncertainty impacts your life choices and plans for living forward; and use these insights to create a positive way of thinking, being, acting, if need be, for this new year.

For me, in the process of destabilizing the past year, I asked the question “For what reason would I hold any negative thoughts” and the only answer I found was “to recognize resilience in action.” That indeed was the answer as I reflected on the past and the changes that have occurred. My emotional state and well-being have always been dependent on my ability to recognize what no longer serves me and to learn from the experience and let it go, for only then am I able to refocus my efforts and be reasonable in my judgements. Simply said, yet complex in the doing, but with “HOPE” I’m ready and willing.

Thank you for allowing me to voice my thinking process to figuring out my watchword (HOPE) of which I will strive to maintain throughout the year.

Remember in all things you have a choice.

I wish you well and look forward to seeing you around the neighborhood.



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Well stated, Annie. Thank you for sharing!

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Lindsay F Babich

Loved the sharing of your internal process; the examination of "What is" as process for mental/emotional and spiritual growth. Years ago a 'thought-worm' entered my brain courtesy of a Guru-d'jour and I am still digesting it.  It was the premise that HOPE is negative; that it stops initiative toward growth and/or improvement. I guess the best way to describe that brand of HOPE is pretending that all will magically get better (externalized hope). I'm periodically - thank you Annie - pulled back into considering what hope is to me.  One of the best ideas of hope I've read is that one cannot have hope without Faith. 2020 gave me an incredible demonstration of Faith in action, prayer in action and internalized hope. As you so beautifully put it, reflection and application are base ingredients in an active, creative hope. Looking forward to more of your words.

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Annie Nelson

Lindsay I'm so glad you've decided to continue your personal brand of HOPE, for indeed it is be the starting point of what's unseen.  You are so point on!!

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Analisa Domenica

Lovely to hear your voice, Annie! 

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Carole Poletick

Hello Annie and Welcome,  Until your post I couldn't decide on one word for 2021, I had a list however; nothing was settled on.  When I came on to this site this evening, I needed to put in a request for a new there was a little red box that said "click me" - the punch to my gut with chills throughout my body happened as I realized the ME was bold on my list of words - ok, got the picture ~  After reaching 75 at the beginning of 2021, having 2 grown children and just shy of 2 months before a 50th year wedding anniversary, 'It is time for ME'.    Afterall, growing and spreading LOVE will take lots of energy; so I must take care of ME to provide the LOVE needed.  Still looking at my list where Hope and Faith stand firmly, I know I made the right choice; afterall, Rev. Lindsay Babich, my ADL Mentor and dear friend is always there to share discussions; and your words are already waking 'ME' up to the meaning of a WATCHword🌹  and not a self-centered word.  As I have been praying and sharing with the Angel Squad, I already feel like I am loosing some weighty attachments off of me and gaining the ME extentions needed to survive❣  I am so grateful for ADL and getting to know more of the Angels that are connected.

Peace and Love to all; Rev Carole Poletick, FL Chapter BOT

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Annie Nelson

Thank you for that warm welcome Rev Carole and for sharing the above insights on your life path.  I'm so proud of you!  We are all on some type of healing journey, and I'm feeling blessed to have found this ADL community of like spirits to share my with.  Love in friendship and sisterhood. 

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Rev. Dr. Wanda L Beebe

Annie, First of all I would like to welcome you to our Family and second, I want to thank you for writing and sharing with us such a wonderful and inspirational note for the new year.  My hope is that you will continue to share your words of wisdom with all of us.

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Joy Baumblatt Resor

Thank you for your hopeful post, Annie.  Isn't it wonderful when we realize that all we've been through has given us gifts for the journey?  May your new year be amazing, dear one!  I look forward to connecting with you in person someday.  

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