Star Encounters - July 2020

By Rev. Joy “Aphrodette” Gambon
Happy Birthday, Cancer!
820 B Franklin Road SW, Roanoke, VA 24016 540.400.0110 / 540.613.1070
This FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE occurs on July 5, 2020 at 12:44:16 AM EDST. The Full Moon is in Capricorn opposing both the Sun and retrograde Mercury in Cancer as they T-Square Chiron in Aries. It also forms a beautiful trine to Uranus in Taurus. We desire security and stabilization in this cycle. We have concerns about maintaining our health physically, emotionally and spiritually at this time. The key is rational balance and persistence! Strive!
This NEW MOON occurs on July 20, 2020 at 01:32:48 PM EDST. The Lights are kissing on the Cancer/Leo cusp as they oppose retrograde Saturn in Capricorn and form a double quincunx to the Tail of the Dragon in Sagittarius. Travel and expanding our consciousness is still in limitation. Caution is advised as we create a strategy to move forward with all deliberate speed. Punt!
Mercury Stations Direct in Cancer!
Mercury stations direct on July 12, 2020 at 02:27AM EDST. It moves out of its shadow on July 26, 2020 EDST. All levels of security will be challenging as we think about how to protect that which we have created. Retreating from conflict is seen and sincerity and kindness will be appreciated.
Jupiter Retrograde In Capricorn!
On May 14, 2020 at 10:32AM, Jupiter stationed retrograde and remains so until September 12, 2020 at 08:41PM. Government, laws and referendums will be under review. Cautious expansion of our freedom is well advised by the cosmoos. Stay informed.
Saturn Retrograde In Aquarius!
On May 11, 2020 at 12:09AM, Saturn stationed retrograde in Aquarius and re-enter Capricorn for the next few months. It will station direct on September 29, 2020 at 01:11AM. AGAIN, government, laws, elections and r3eferndums will be re-evaluated and experience a sloser scrutiny. Certain restrictons will be in place although they will be altered. The safety of the public is primary!
Neptune Retrograde in Pisces
On June 23, 2020 at 0.32 am, Neptune stationed retrograde in Pisces and remains so until November 28, 2020 at 07:37PM EST. There is both a spiritual and a nebulous nature to this ener4gy. History will loom large but those who are wise and understand the passages of time will come forth to lead us. Deception can also be uncovered in this ctcle. Stay alert.
Pluto Still In RetrogradeUntil October 4, 2020
The Capricorn parade comtiues with these three planets and we return to go over covered ground with great care. Moving forward does need to be slow but sure in this cycle. The emphasis is on preservation versus motivation. Patience is an imperative in this cycle.
On this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, your ruler, Mars is in your sign and will move through it, retrograde and move through it again until January 7th, 2021!!! WOW! Upon this lunation it is conjunct Chiron, in square to retrograde Mercury in Cancer and sextile to Venus in Gemini. Choose to be healthy and spend some time socializing with others of like mind for best results. Laugh a little!
On the New Moon, it is much the same except that now, Mercury has stationed direct and Chiron has stationed retrograde! Back to the drawing board about healthy pursuits. The social and kind aspect with Venus in Gemini is still in place! Spread your charm around! Thank me later!
On this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, your ruler, Venus, is in Gemini and in sextile to both Mars and Chiron in Aries. You will desire to be more physically and mentally active in this cycle. Sharing your adventures and insights with others can be great fun! Choose to be around those who are motivated and have the gift of gab!
On the New Moon, it is much the same except Chiron has stationed retrograde. Choose to return to activities that have given you joy in the past and reconnect with those who are allied to your goals. Give and receive good support as you move forward! Cheers!
On the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, your ruler, Mercury is retrograde in Cancer and conjunct the Sun as they oppose the Capricorn Moon and form a T-Square to Mars and Chiron in Aries. It is best for you to be the good listener at this time. Others may be fired up or want to make all the rules. It may just be their stuff! Try not to take things too personally.
On the New Moon, Mercury has stationed direct and in square to both Mars and retrograde Chiron in Aries. There may still be some frustration in communication, but it is easier to let conversations flow naturally. Spend some time in nature and go for long walks if possible! Stroll!
This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse reveals your ruler, the Moon in Capricorn opposing both the Sun and retrograde Mercury in Cancer as they T-Square Chiron in Aries. It also forms a beautiful trine to Uranus in Taurus. Stay as grounded as possible busy yourself by re-organizing your World. Remember those less fortunate and express kindness and understanding whenever possible. It will be long remembered!
On the New Moon, The Lights are kissing on the Cancer/Leo cusp as they oppose retrograde Saturn in Capricorn and form a double quincunx to the Tail of the Dragon in Sagittarius. Although you may not be able to travel where you would like to be, exercise your ability to spend some time outdoors. Be very self-expressive as you may eel a bit poetic! Share!
LEO JUL 22 - AUG 2
On this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, your ruler, the Sun, is in Cancer conjunct retrograde Mercury in that sign as they form a T-square to Chron in Aries and the Full Moon in Capricorn. It is time to be a good audience rather than the entertainer. Those around you can be brutally honest at this time. Take a deep breath and choose to respond rather than react for best results.
On the New Moon, The Lights are kissing on the Cancer/Leo cusp as they oppose retrograde Saturn in Capricorn and form a double quincunx to the Tail of the Dragon in Sagittarius. Take a long look at all you have overcome and accomplished at this time. Respect the memories attached to your mentors. Do reach out to them if possible! The teacher within you reawakens in this cycle. Enjoy!
On this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, your ruler, Mercury, is retrograde in Cancer and conjunct the Sun as they oppose the Capricorn Moon and form a T-Square to Mars and Chiron in Aries. This can be wonderful time to be reflective about the ways you have served your family and your life’s purpose. Play a little bit of “Remember when..” with those closest to you. Tell the tale!
On the New Moon, Mercury has stationed direct and in square to both Mars and retrograde Chiron in Aries. It is a time to get back in shape and take a long look at your lifestyle! Do participate in those activities that give you pleasure! Make a few memories! Go!
On this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, your ruler, Venus, is in Gemini and in sextile to both Mars and Chiron in Aries. The counselor and healer within you is very awake! Reach out to others and lend balance and intuition to each and every conversation. Relationships can quicken and grow in a remarkable way! Enjoy!
On the New Moon, it is much the same except Chiron has stationed retrograde. Revisit those activities, people and even books that bring you up and contribute to a feeling of wholeness. Blend the “I AM” with the ‘WE ARE” when you are out an about! Enjoy the journey!
On this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, your ruling planet of event, Mars, is in Aries and will move through it, retrograde and move through it again until January 7th, 2021!!! WOW! Upon this lunation it is conjunct Chiron, in square to retrograde Mercury in Cancer and sextile to Venus in Gemini. This is a great time to reconnect with family and friends! Initiate! Your planet of process, Pluto is traveling very close to Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn and they are all retrograde at this time! Everything around you may seem like it in under reconstruction! Strive to stay organized!
On the New Moon, it is much the same with both Mars and Pluto, except that now, Mercury has stationed direct and Chiron has stationed retrograde! There can be unexpected changes in projects, and it is wise to protect your health and not to overextend yourself. Pace to win the race!
On this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, you ruler, Jupiter, is retrograde in Capricorn and in a stellium with both Pluto and Saturn in that sign. Much restructuring around you both personally and professionally. Be very thorough in your evaluation of all goals and projects. All the details matter at this time.
On the New Moon, this stellium is in opposition to the Lights on the Cancer/Leo cusp! It will be important for you to be very present at meetings and in conversation. Know when to patiently listen and when to be warmly encouraging for best results. You earn much respect in this cycle. Gleam!
On this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, your ruler, Saturn is retrograde in your sign and conjunct both Jupiter and Pluto in your sign! This an excellent time to do a review or pen your memoirs! It is also a good time to get re-organized with your current resources. This stellium forms no major angles to the other planets so it will be your decision on home to proceed in October when they redirect their motion, Work your strategy!
On the New Moon, this stellium of planets in your sign, oppose the Lights on the Cancer/Leo cusp! You must honor both your radiant light and your inner child at this time. Let yourself out to play and be sure to relax from your labors whenever possible! Coast!
On this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, your ruler, Uranus, is in Taurus and in a beautiful trine to the Full Moon in Capricorn and in sextile to both the Sun and retrograde Mercury in Cancer. There will be much on your mind, but you are feeling optimistic! Events may not go as planned with the Mercury retrograde but will perfect themselves as you move carefully forward. Think and think again!
On the New Moon, Mercury has stationed direct and your intuition is on a roll! You will receive both emotional and financial support in this cycle. Those that make a commitment to you now should follow through right on time! Trust!
On this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, your ruler, Neptune, is retrograde in your sign, and makes no major aspects to the traditional planets. This is a great time to revisit the past and perhaps bring some of your creative imagination back to life! Perhaps it is time to go back to painting or pick up your guitar! Follow the muse within you!
On the New Moon, Neptune forms a sweet sextile to retrograde Jupiter in Capricorn! Imagination can easily manifest as something of great value to you or another. Share your dreams with those closest to you! Long term associations are a blessing just now! Enjoy!
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