2024 ADL Conference Presenter Application

2024 ADL Conference Presenter Application

For more info or if you require any special needs send an email to:  conferencecommittee@allianceofdivinelove.org

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2024 ADL Conference Presenter Application

2024 National Conference theme is Activate the Divinity Within

- thru the 5 Aspects of our Ministry.

  1. Spiritual communications - teaching, writing, publishing and getting ideas across the Earth peoples at particular time points.
  2. Healing energies - developing and using them.
  3. Psychic/intuitive - help you develop your talents especially as applied to spiritual work. Palmistry, astrology, numerology and a host of other areas to help you.
  4. Social movement - working in the community, education. helping groups, religious organizations, scientific endeavors and others toward goals of love harmony and peace. 
  5. Plant and animal - works with conditions and species other than mankind upon Earth.  The enhancement and preservation of animal and plant species both on an individual and group basis.  A balance of life through Love upon the earth plane is the goal here.

Which aspect of the Ministry does your presentation address?

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