2024 ADL Conference Travel Guest Meal Option

2024 ADL Conference Travel Guest Meal Option

For more info or if you require any special needs send an email to:  conferencecommittee@allianceofdivinelove.org

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2024 ADL Conference Travel Guest Meal Option

Purchase a meal option plan (7 meals) for TRAVEL GUESTS* of registered participants of the 2024 ADL Conference.

*A TRAVEL GUEST is essentially a traveling companion eligible to purchase a Meal Plan through the ADL Conference without being required to register for the actual conference. They are welcome to join us during meals using this convenient option (Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner 9/13 & 14, Breakfast only on 9/15).

Total due $240

Payment information

All transactions are secured using 256-bit encryption.

 When completing your purchase, there could be a slight processing delay, so please only click the button once.